Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm back because of a poached egg

I've been meaning to blog but it's kind of embarrassing to have a "comeback" when no one knows that you even left. Hey to my maybe one reader!

I started having more time to read the food blogs and it reignited my passion for cooking. I know I love food because the very mention of a poached egg drives me into a tizzy.

I've also been reading a lot about Cathy Erway and her book "The Art of Eating In" and it really speaks to me. I am the queen of take out - yeah, I love food. And I love to cook. But something about the hunting and gathering of ingredients I don't have, coupled by the cramped cooking quarters, and then hindered by my emotionally crippling need to avoid thinking of myself as a "single gal" (i.e. cooking a recipe meant for 4 and having to tupperware up the rest of the meal) makes me want to throw up. I cook when I have company, on rare special occasions, and if there is something I'm craving that I can't get from a restaurant. That's pretty much the long and short of it.

Regardless, looking at this helpful step-by-step guide on The Kitchn reminded me that I love to try cooking techniques when I'm actually doing it. I just forget sometimes when I'm busy watching a Breakfast in Bed marathon on Soapnet. I never regret picking up a pan, or eating a delicious meal that I've created. I just started personal training so I'd like to be held a little more accountable for what I put in my mouth (that's what she said). Might drop some lbs and regain a long lost hobby at the same time.

To cap off my entry, here are the poached egg instructions for your reference:

What You Need

1 or more eggs
White vinegar

Small saucepan
Measuring cup with a handle, or a teacup
Slotted spoon
Plate lined with a paper towel or clean rag


1. Bring a small saucepan 3/4-full of water to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat to low and bring the water back down to a low simmer. There should just be a few bubbles hitting the surface.

2. Add about a tablespoon of white vinegar to the water.

3. Crack the egg into a measuring cup or a small teacup.

4. Slowly lower the cup into the barely simmering water, and tip the egg out into the water.

5. Set the timer for 4 minutes. The egg white should be immediately coagulating in the water.

6. Use the slotted spoon to carefully arrange the egg white into a more compact shape, if you desire.

7. Keep an eye on the water's heat; make sure it doesn't come back up to a rolling boil.

8. After 4 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the egg with the slotted spoon. Place it on the plate lined with a paper towel and gently blot it dry.

Additional Notes:

• The 4-minute time will give you a gently cooked poached egg, with a gooey yolk that still has a liquid center. Adjust the time if you want it more cooked.

• We find that the vinegar is really essential in helping cook the egg reliably and neatly; it helps coagulate the egg white quickly, so everything stay in place! If you have no vinegar, then the juice of about half a lemon will also do the trick, but it isn't quite as reliable as vinegar.


harsh said...

i'm going to try this tomorrow for breakfast and i'll let you know how it goes


Carmen Kiew said...

I'm happy you tried it!